2025 Championship Rules
The North West Finance Professionals Athletic Club (“NWFPAC”) 2025 Championship (“Championship”) shall be governed by the following rules:
1. 8 races have been chosen by the Championship Committee and have been published on www.nwfpac.co.uk (the “Set Races”). The Set Races are supplemented by a ninth race, a ‘Freedom Marathon’ and together these make up the Championship.
2. NWFPAC members are responsible for their own entries and entry fees into the Set Races. NWFPAC members are also responsible for submitting their ‘Freedom Marathon’ entry as set out in rule 7 below.
Awarding of points – Set Races
3. Points will be awarded in each of the Set Races to those NWFPAC members who complete a race. To be a NWFPAC member, you must have requested to be on the NWFPAC mailing list 48 hours before that race and have complied with Rule 4 below.
4. NWFPAC members must notify David Simmons 48 hours before the race at the latest if they intend to run in the that race; notification can be done by email to David Simmons at david.simmons@azets.co.uk or by fully accepting or tentatively accepting the diary invitation that is sent out for each race. Members who do not fully/tentatively accept the diary invitation or notify David Simmons by email of their intention to run 48 hours before the race will be excluded from the results and will not be credited with any points.
5. In each of the Set Races, NWFPAC male members who take part will have a NWFPAC finishing position that equates to their male finishing position in the race based on gun time and NWFPAC female members who take part runners will have a NWFPAC finishing position that equates to their female finishing position in the race based on gun time. NWFPAC members will then be ranked according to their NWFPAC finishing position. Any two members with an equal NWFPAC finishing position will be deemed to have tied in that race. The points awarded for those races will be as follows:
- 20 points for 1st ranked NWFPAC member;
- 19 points for 2nd ranked NWFPAC member;
- 18 points for 3rd ranked NWFPAC member;
- 17 points for 4th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 16 points for 5th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 15 points for 6th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 14 points for 7th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 13 points for 8th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 12 points for 9th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 11 points for 10th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 10 points for 11th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 9 points for 12th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 8 points for 13th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 7 points for 14th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 6 points for 15th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 5 points for 16th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 4 points for 17th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 3 points for 18th ranked NWFPAC member;
- 2 points for 19th ranked NWFPAC member; and
- 1 points for 20th and below ranked NWFPAC members.
Awarding of points – Freedom Marathon
6. Points will be awarded for the Freedom Marathon to those NWFPAC members who complete an official marathon race between the date of the first of the Set Races and the date of the last of the Set Races (date inclusive) provided they also score at least one point in one Set Race. To be a NWFPAC member, you must have requested to be on the NWFPAC mailing list prior to taking part in that race.
7. NWFPAC members must notify David Simmons at david.simmons@azets.co.uk of their Freedom Marathon result by sending either a screenshot of their result that shows their gender finishing position and the number of male/female runners (as appropriate) in that race or link to the results page for the race that shows those details for that NWFPAC member.
8. NWFPAC members who have submitted their results will then be given a percentage score that equates to their gender finishing position as a percentage of the total runners in their gender. For example, if a female NWFPAC member finishing 10th female in a race that had 100 female runners, the percentage score would be 10%. NWFPAC members can submit any number of Freedom Marathon entries that they want, with their best (i.e. lowest) percentage score counting as their Freedom Marathon entry. NWFPAC members who have submitted their results will then be ranked according to their percentage score, with the lowest percentage score having the top rank. Any two members with an equal NWFPAC percentage score will be deemed to have tied in that race. The points awarded for the Freedom Marathon will be as set out for the Set Races in rule 5 above.
Team Championship
The Team Championship will be decided as follows:
9. Teams will comprise of two NWFPAC members. Each team must notify David Simmons at david.simmons@azets.co.uk of its team members prior to both team members having run more than one race and before Set Race 5 in the Championship – i.e. if both team members have each run two or more races, then you will not be allowed to join the Team Championship.
10. Each team member will score points in the Set Races and the Freedom Marathon as set out in rules 3 - 8 above.
11. The scores for each team member will be added together such that the best combined 10 individual race scores from the Set Races and the Freedom Marathon will count towards their final Team Championship total, but one individual in each team may have no more than 6 scoring races in their team’s best 10 scores.
12. Both team members have to score in at least one race. If one of the team members does not score in any races, then that team’s total score shall be nil.
13. The winning team will be the team with the highest points total from their 10 counting races. Trophies will be awarded to the three teams with the highest scores.
14. In the event of a tie, the total points from all races that the members of the teams who are tied will be compared, with the winning team being the one with the highest points total from all of their races.
15. If it still remains tied, the Team Championship will be shared.
Individual Championship
The Individual Championship will be decided as follows:
16. Male and female NWFPAC members will compete against each other.
17. Each NWFPAC member will score points in the Set Races and the Freedom Marathon as set out in rules 3 - 8 above.
18. A NWFPAC member’s best 5 scores in the Set Races and the Freedom Marathon will count towards their final Individual Championship totals.
19. The winning NWFPAC member in the Individual Championship will be one with the highest points total from their 5 counting races. Trophies will be awarded to the three NWFPAC members with the highest scores.
20. In the event of a tie, the total points from all races that those members who are tied will be compared, with the winning member being the one with the highest points total from all of their races.
21. If it still remains tied, the Championship will be shared.
‘Athlete of Steel’ Championship
The ‘Athlete of Steel’ Championship will be decided as follows:
22. Male and female NWFPAC members will compete against each other.
23. NWFPAC members will be scored on the number of Set Races and Freedom Marathon scores they have achieved on the Individual Championship, with the highest score possible being 9 – the 8 Set Races and the Freedom Marathon. For the avoidance of doubt, this is not the points total, but the number of races in which that member has scored points in.
24. NWFPAC members will then be ranked according to their scores, with the highest score ranking first with the winning NWFPAC member being the one with the highest score and a trophy will be awarded to that winning NWFPAC member, save that if that person has already won a trophy under either the Team Championship and/or the Individual Championship, that person shall not be eligible to win the Athlete of Steel Championship and the winning NWFPAC member will be the next highest person that meets this criteria, save that if no person meeting this criteria has scored at least 5, no award shall be made. A trophy will be awarded to the NWFPAC member with the highest score.
25. In the event of a tie, the total points from all races that those members who are tied will be compared, with the winning member being the one with the highest points total.
26. If it still remains tied, the Championship will be shared.
27. The Championship Committee's interpretation of the rules and decision is final.