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NWFPAC Championship

The NWFPAC has its own championship, into which all members are automatically entered.  


The championship is kindly sponsored by the recruitment firm Michael Page.


The aim of the championship is to encourage more of us to get together during the year and share in taking part in some interesting and fun races.  If you’re new to races or haven’t done one for a while, then knowing that there’s going to be people there you know will hopefully make them feel less daunting (and once you’ve done one, you’ll realise that they’re not daunting at all).  Therefore, please come along and join us.


The championship is free to enter; however members are responsible for their own entries and entry fees into the races.


The championship is made up of team and individual competitions in which members gain points by competing in championship's races in the year.   Teams are made up of two NWFPAC members.  The races are around the North West and are varied in length and terrain.


In the championship's first three years (2014 - 16), there were separate men's, ladies' and team competitions.  However, this was changed in 2017 and subsequent years such that the men and ladies competed against each other in an individual championship with points being scored in races based on gender positions.


For more details:


  • the list of races can be found here;


  • the leaderboards can be found here; and


  • the rules can be found here.

Previous Winners

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